
Odessa-Midland TX
KMCM 97 Gold

Format: Oldies
Description: Features music spanning from the 50`s to the 70`s.
Owner: Brazos Communications West, LLC
Owner To Be:
LMA Owner:
Frequency: 96.9
Power: 100000
Translator Dial Position: No Translator available for this station.
REP: Katz Radio
Personalities: Jay Coffey - M-F/6A-10A
Joyce Jefferson - M-F/10A-3P
John Summers - M-F/3P-8P
Keith Stephens - M-F/8P-12A
Sports Teams: No Sports Teams available for this station.
Simulcasts: No Simulcasts available for this station.
Co-owned Stations: KHKX-FM
Network: WestwoodOne